About BWAR
Born and raised in Wyoming, we know that our neighbors share our values of hard work and honesty, a commitment to community, and the freedom to pursue opportunities.
We know that things like quality schools, access to healthcare, good paying jobs, wide open spaces, and affordable housing are critical for us to thrive.
BWAR gets people together who share these values and goals and takes action to ensure our elected officials act accordingly.
Latest News
Amendment A: Mass education for a property tax win
BWAR sent informative text messages to 130,000 Wyoming voters to educate them about why Amendment A was a smart tax policy to support.
Read MoreSchool boards: Stopping ‘Moms For Liberty’ in their tracks
BWAR supported candidates in five Wyoming communities for 2024 school board elections. Of the 20 public education champions we backed, 15 won seats. Just two Moms for Liberty extremists won seats in these districts, and dozens more were stopped.
Read MoreWyo. Leg.: People power beats hate mailers
BWAR focused on two races for the Wyoming Legislature during the 2024 general election, leveraging our grassroots people power to help deliver victory on both campaigns.
Read MoreBWAR helps propel healthcare champion to primary victory
Gary Crum made healthcare access the center of his campaign, prompting support from Better Wyoming A+R and leading to a landslide victory over a far-right challenger with out-of-state backing.
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